"We, the Clubs of Arnold O. Beckman High School, have, for the betterment of the community of clubs and Beckman High School, drafted this ICC constitution; in order to protect the rights of clubs, and ensure the continuity of clubs on Beckman’s campus; these rules and procedures have been laid out for posterity and their success. "

ICC Constitution

Originally ratified in 2004, the ICC Constitution has seen its fair share of revisions and amendments. This most updated version was ratified in March of 2019. Operations of the ICC closely reflect the contents of this constitution.


ICC Meetings

The ICC meets every 3rd Thursday of the month. Meetings are the way that information gets pushed out to all the clubs. Meeting minutes will be uploaded to this website after the meeting. 

Clubs Commissioner & ICC President

The ASB Clubs Commissioner is tasked with organizing, overseeing, and representing all clubs at Beckman High School. The ICC President oversees all ICC Meetings and makes records of the meetings for later use.  (Organizational Chart)